1Trillion dollar Customer Service Failure by Apple x R. Crusoe anticollab

Martin Štokić
5 min readNov 26, 2020

Nov 25, Wednesday it was…

Casually strolling into the 6th month of the open case 101166371099 - my interactions with Apple support seem more and more like Robisnon Crusoe talking to a coconut.

After all the months and all the emails and all the submitted materials… they have learned nothing. They have let things move and grow into a mess of their own creation.

I have shared the proof. I have sent videos of step by step of how I reproduce the problem. They admitted to being aware of the problem and they still do not do anything.

So I felt like I was on an empty island, talking to him all these months…

Meet Apple support. (source)

Today was the day I was supposed to be called to “discuss”.

Could it be… (source)

Case Number: 101166371099

Hello Martin,

Please inform when I can call you to discuss.




I answered promptly leaving enough space for the call to be done on the same day. There was no reply from applesupport@email.apple.com so I sent a follow up email on the next day outlining the days when I was available. Naturally the support selected the day I mentioned I was the busiest. I complied and we arranged the time slot.

As an introduction to this “discussion” offer — please see my previous communication:

Good day Mr. Ashok,

Based on our emailing Yesterday I have went and rethought about what I wrote and I do stand by it. The amount of materials provided to Apple over the course of the past 5 months coupled with your words of admission on the recorded phone call that Apple is aware of the problem indicated high awareness about the issue.

So if you know there is a problem why am I being asked to provide more proof on top of 37GB over 38 different files that were already sent? If you were at my spot what would you do? I do have other work and a child to be with. Every day I spend focused on dealing with this that has been a proven issue is a day I am not with her. I can’t have that anymore.

Since I reported the issue I was told future updates or the new OS will fix it. None of that happened as I ran tests diligently on the day of every upgrade released and every supplemental upgrade released. If you do not know what is wrong but you see that there is something wrong — take this machine and deal with finding out the problem internally on the company time. Please provide me with a new device that I have requested with the specification I have requested.

5 months is a long time.



Naturally one would expect that there would be some kind of discussion taking place on the call having this information as the latest reference.

I can only say that it was a LIE. There was no discussion nor place for one. It had been nothing but a ruse asking for “one more test” with instructions what apps to run and what not to run as if the machine was made to deliver performance only on internal apps that come preinstalled with the system.

How they make you feel… (source)

As the days are passing and I keep working I keep thinking why was I not willing to cooperate any longer… The attitude of the Senior rep furthered the deteriorated situation as he dismissively offered an insult to the word apology by —casually inserting into conversation how yes — 5 months was a long time and that they are sorry and all, but they need more TIME from me.

You know, I can tell you as a secret, that if they pitched an offer that had anything of substance — a time line, action plan, idea, potential resolution outcomes or a promise after all this time — I may have caved and provided them with “OMT (One More Test)”.

But it seems that I was right and that the OMT is nothing but a hamster wheel.

Present Day — Apple Support Case — (source)

I have sent an email after the phone call giving a recap of my thoughts and reasons behind my non compliance. Most of the reasons were outlined here as a part of this online log to anyone who crosses paths with it.

I will patiently await the — I made fire — and the moment when they will realize how bad of a customer service job they did. I am pasting these thoughts to all of my internet presence topping some 15K people in my small and insignificant boolean existence — but maybe this will rub off on some to see that there can be a cess pool of incompetence even within a shiny 1 trillion company.

Moment I am hoping for… (source)

As a P.S. section just a small note:

The solutions they were offering to the problem of GPU locking itself down to 300MHZ after heating up and then throttling the whole device was:

  • Buy an eGPU if you want to play games??? (I complained about computer NOT performing the way it used to perform — not demanding more than it could)
  • Test it only with internal macOS apps (after a fresh install to test the GPU issue)
  • Restore the OS to stock Catalina version (impossible for a T2 device)
  • Saying to offer proof of an issue only by running apps they deemed worthy of being ran on MBP16. 🤦‍♀️
How applicable are the suggestions from support… (source)

This is what it is for this short edition of Today’s at Apple Support.





Martin Štokić

In case you really really like me. ETH - 0x25BDabB2Ee6a8081F1D2C26Bec0dc81a3244bBA7