Timeo Malum(Apple) et dona ferentes… Nov 29, 2020

Martin Štokić
4 min readNov 29, 2020

Some of you may have read my posts so far with the 5 month saga between me and Apple support. If you haven’t, you can catch up here:

Initial story covering 5 months: https://maaxaam.medium.com/apple-customer-service-woes-fbf1fa8bb212

Additional fail by Apple support: https://maaxaam.medium.com/1trillion-dollar-customer-service-failure-by-apple-x-r-crusoe-anticolla-51804af53eb4

It seems like we have updates/new communication lurking at our doorstep. (Trojan Horse source; Apple Logo source)

Today I have received an e-mail from a SW engineer who is not replying under Apple support and from the email subject it seems to have been forwarded to him by some of the higher ranking people my other emails managed to reach.

Hi Martin,

My name is ***** and I am from the SW engineering team here at Apple. I wanted to reach to you to say that my team received logs from your case over the past few days and we are looking into the sysdiagnose and logs provided.

I do realize that this has taken a long time and I apologize for the delay. My team is committed to getting to the bottom of what’s going on here. I wanted to send you this note to let you know that we are on it.

Thank you for your patience


With my reply:

Hello Mr. *****,

Thank you for reaching out and letting me know that the issue is being worked on.

If you have received the logs, emails, videos and articles I have been sending and posting, I do no have to reiterate.

Please, I implore you, do not ask for more testing on my end. However, if you do have further questions that need clarification let me know I will gladly answer those.

Based on your reply time it seems that you are either working late or it’s still Friday on your end.

In case if the latter — have a great weekend ahead.

Martin S.
Creative Art Director
uniQat CQ LTD
PR China

The Trojan horse reference works for both things I am about to write today.

I would like to open up during the Thanksgiving weekend by saying I am thankful that someone higher up is looking at the case that has not been aging well. 🙏 Thank you 🙏

But I can not elude the feeling, based on the current track record, that this is just another set of vague promises that have been coming to my email for 165
days. This will always remain to be puzzling to me — New device, AppleCare+ and all these issues up until this point. Trojan horse reference 1 complete.

Part two of Trojan begins now:

The Burning of Troy by Antoine Caron (source)

When I started the whole process with Apple I did my ground work. Being a IT college educated in this field I wanted to check and eliminate most logical reasons why would my computer stop performing on the level it was working on for months. I have scrubbed everything from my internal SSD and ran recovery reinstall of both macOS and Win10. macOS from the web via both CMD-R and Shift-Option-Command-R, ran tests on clean machine. Same problem. Did the same by reinstalling Win10 over bootcamp eliminating all updates as potential culprits and the issue was still here.

The only two suspects that were left — HW failure or SW update that messes up with BIOS.

I started with those two possibilities when I opened up the case and there has been no resolution until this point besides the Senior Advisor admission of Apple’s awareness to the problem.

Until today it has been mostly my educated guess, but I watched this from Louis Rossmann today about the BigSur issues and it did trigger a very familiar note. If you are updating your macOS keep this video by Mr. Rossmann in mind — You can mess up your device HW because it seems that every OS update also messes with your BIOS — and CAN NOT BE REVERSED!

On the side note, I am increasingly more frustrated by the situation in my personal Odyssey because it seems more and more that Apple may have caused this situation(Apple aware of the issue by their own admission). Besides the regular devaluation of tech life it was further plummeted a few months into the purchase by what seems to be a SW issue they are not able to remedy. This has caused issues in my work and product delivery, set me back financially by me buying another 16in Mac to prove the 1st one has a problem (older build OS) — while also preventing me from reselling the machine for a potential upgrade path to Apple silicon as I know the machine does not perform and I can not resell it knowing what I know. The impact on my work when the issue happened has been unexpected and as I work with tight deadlines I failed to deliver at some points. 😞.

Where I am sailing currently… (Source)

Anyway, if you ready the Odyssey I am currently between Scylla and Charybdis or between a rock and a hard place if you will.

Let’s see how will it unravel…





Martin Štokić

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